In Memory of Albert White


I was born in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada on Sep 15th 1880, I grew up with 4 siblings and was a military man. As you follow my journey below you will learn all about me and get to see my life through my eyes!

As a young lad I attended the old frame Convent School on Augustus St, I didn't stay long but I was able to get some education while I was there. I was the eldest boy of my siblings, and our mother unfortunately died when we were quite young so our father and I had to work to support the others. I was around 16 years old when I worked with my father in the Brickyard where I made 40 cents a day.

I joined the 38th Battalion - Canadian Expeditionary Force (WWI) on Jan 9th 1915, I served during the period of Garrison Duty in Bermuda and landed in France on Aug 13th 1916. I was wounded in the left leg not long after and they transferred me to England to recover and work in the Cook House.

This is my wife Josephine Primeau, she lays next to me. We were married for 55 years and together had 10 children. We sadly lost 4 of them at a young age.

Here I am with a few of my children, who all but two followed in my footsteps and joined the service. In the first you have my son Edward and in the second you have my son Gilbert and daughter Florence. I am so proud of all my children.

I returned to Canada from service on Dec 17th 1918 and was honorably discharged on the 14th of Jan 1919. I did odd jobs for years while raising my family but felt like I wanted to get back into uniform when WWII came around so I joined the Veteran's Guard of Canada in Jun 1941. I was stationed in Lansdowne Park Ottawa, Sherbrooke Quebec and Farnham Quebec.

Here I am with my wife again on one of our many anniversary celebrations. I loved her dearly! This photo was taken at our family home of 516 Burton Ave where we raised all our children and even some grandchildren and had plenty of memories.

I was only in the service another year before I was discharged. If it wasn't for my age I would of gladly served again but they wouldn't allow me to. Above I am with my daughter Esther, she was visiting from Hamilton where she lived.

I passed away on Jul 17th 1969 in Cornwall but as you can see I lived a full and fortunate life with my family by my side to the very end! Just know I might be gone but I will always be here when you need me.

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