Genealogy Services

Our List of Services:

  • Adoption (Sometimes this can only be done with DNA - Depending on Records)

  • Obituary Searches from 1900's to Today

  • Full Research Package with Family Charts (Available in Various Sizes and Photo Frames)

  • Couple Searches

  • Digital Photo Fixing (ie; Cracks, Negatives to Photos, Colorizing, Enhancements) 

  • Living Photos (Take a regular photo and make it come to life!)

  • Fully-Binded Family History Books 

Due to the rapid advancement of technology, my company will offer much more than just paper documents. My genealogical journey is taking your history to new heights, with all the expertise and tools at my fingertips to provide you with the ultimate knowledge of your family tree. Regardless of how long a person has been digging and how dedicated they are about tracing their ancestors' footsteps, there will be times when hiring a professional researcher is the ideal way to go.

"With years of collecting and creating a vast database of all resources I need; Faces Of SD&G is the perfect stepping stone to finding out your heritage and creating something that will be around for generations long after you!"

The Back Story

"For over 15 years my love and passion for Genealogy has taken over and drove me to a career of historical importance. Within the walls of SD&G I want to create a place where each and every person that lived here will connect and will forever be remembered. As a history buff, I want to be able to give voices to those who are no longer here by tracing their hardships and stories so their descendants truly see the remarkable individuals that make up their own bloodlines. 

At the age of 12, I began to develop a hobby that my grandmother started, collecting family history. She was the story teller of the family. Anything you wanted to know or see, she would have it; or know it. I still remember her face when I would come back with something new to show her, this is the same feeling I get when I’m researching for others! The look of excitement when I tell a client “I found something” is why I do this! I want to help answer those questions and be the voice to the story of their past ancestors.

I was glad I developed the passion for Family Heritage at a young age and ask all the questions I did then because today she is no longer with us, but I am able to tell the same stories she did and pass them on through generation to generation.  It’s important to me to remember those who came before us. After all we wouldn’t be here without them!"