
 Leonard Rodgers

"I got the book today and man I don't know what to say, it is amazing! I did read some of it but did skim through the whole thing and i will read more when I have down time. I have to admit that some things I read amazed me and I think even brought a tear to my eye, this was a great idea. The book is outstanding, thank you again."

 Maureen Poirier

"I have received my order and the book is absolutely wonderful. I've been sitting here going through it and crying with all the memories it is invoking in me. You did a great job and I salute you."

Emily Bourgon 

"A note to let you know how much I am enjoying, reading the Laprade Book. From the nostalgic front cover, to the added personal touches. I feel like I know my American family now. Very interesting all of them and your added articles are such a bonus! Very well done. I will be re-reading it again!"

Richard Brown

"Faces of SD&G's family history book is beautifully done, very nice work they did a great job. I'm going to enjoy reading it and learning about my relatives. Way to go, you went above and beyond with this… lots of work involved! Thank you so much, you did a fantastic job and I am very pleased. If someone wants to get this done for their family, I highly recommend Faces of SD&G."

Tammy Fortier

"I have purchased 2 books from you about 2 different "branches" of my family tree. Your books are beyond just names, dates, birthplace etc. They have photos, obituaries, newspaper articles, description of the area and era that our ancestors lived in, written memories from some living relatives who were alive and knew our elders very well. Your books are like a walk through the past where we can get to know our ancestors on a whole new level!"

Mitch Laprade

"I wanted to let you know I finished reading the book yesterday. You did a fantastic job and it looks great! It gives us answers to many questions regarding my family. Not too many people would have had the dedication that you’ve shown us during the project. You are very well suited for ancestry research!"

Wendy Lester

"All of my life I have felt a great yearning to know my family’s history, their names, faces, stories, locations, and who came before them. Faces Of SD&G gave me the gift of that knowledge and it literally changed my life. They did a phenomenal job introducing me to my Father’s family, bringing their stories and pictures alive to me in a way that brought me home to myself. I was able to gift each of my siblings with a copy of the beautiful book and will pass mine along to my children and grandchildren as well."

Robert Lefebvre 

"I can't put into words how valuable this book is to my family lineage - I learned so much I didn't know before."

Vicky Grenier

"Just wanted to take a minute to congratulate you on your wonderful book! I had a chance to review some of it this afternoon and I can't wait to sit down and spend time reading it thoroughly... They paid so much attention to detail and captured wonderful memories. I am so proud and I wanted to thank you for researching it all for us!" 

Suzanne Tyo

"Thanks Faces Of SD&G! My dad loves the book and thinks you did a marvelous job. Who knew there was German in my family! Great memories."


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