Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy applies to all the personal information we receive from you. Your Personal Information is subject to this Privacy Policy when you provide it to us or if we obtain it from our website, in person, as well from cemeteries, by phone or by mail. We respect the privacy of our clients and we understand confidentiality in this time is important. Please be mindful of what you share and disclose. We collect and store the following information for Genealogical purposes in our database to be shared in the research of our Genealogy services. 

We do our best to connect the physical world to a digital landscape with the information you provide, with that being said our QR code links are for personal use of the client and visitors of the cemetery. Each link is created with the privacy in mind that it can only be accessed if scanned in person or the weblink is provided by you the client or visitors of the cemetery. 

The information you provide to Faces Of SD&G is protected by measures we've implemented to ensure privacy and security. Although no system is completely secure, it is important to understand that it can be breached or accessed by unauthorized parties. In this regard, Faces Of SD&G cannot be held liable for any incidents of identity theft or theft of personal information


If you have questions after reviewing this policy or would like more information on our privacy practices, please reach out to us on our contact form, Facebook Page or by Email.