In Memory of Doris & Maurice Roussy


This is Their Life Story Together

St. John The Evangelist Cemetery, Osgoode, ON
St. John The Evangelist Cemetery in Osgoode, Ontario is the final resting place of our beloved parents, Doris Bridget Roussy (Herbert) and J.R Maurice Roussy. Our Mom passed away on December 25th, 2007 and Dad December 13th, 2015.

Doris Herbert was born on November 10th, 1924 in Osgoode Township, Ontario to parents Aloysius Herbert and Anastasia Horan. Mom was the second child in a family of ten children. Her siblings were Jerry, John, Tommy, Jean, Mary Ellen (Tootsie), Chris, Evelyn, Aloysius (Wishie) and Edgar.

Maurice Roussy was born on February 11th, 1922 in Gatineau, Quebec to parents George Roussy and Valeda Sabourin. Dad was only five months old when his father suddenly passed away in July that year and Mike McInnes became Dad's stepfather. Mike was the only paternal grandfather we ever knew and he fulfilled an important role in Dad's upbringing. Dad was the youngest of three children with brother Georges the eldest sibling followed by his sister Janine.

School of Nursing, Ottawa, ON

In this photo taken in 1944, here is 20-year-old Doris Herbert as a 2nd year student at the Ottawa Civic Hospital School of Nursing. By the end of her schooling, our future mother would proudly graduate as a Registered Nurse (RN).

Royal Canadian Air Force, Ottawa, ON

In this photo taken in 1942 is our future father Maurice Roussy at age 20 as a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). Dad served in the Second World War from 1944 to 1945 in France, Holland, Belgium and England and worked in the Instrument Section repairing cameras used in Reconnaissance missions. 

1948 - Wedding Day, Osgoode, ON

Maurice Roussy and Doris Herbert were married on October 9th, 1948 at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Osgoode, Ontario. The Bridesmaid was Mom's sister Jean and the Best Man was Dad's brother Georges.

1948 - Honeymoon in Montreal, Quebec

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Montreal, Quebec. By the look of all our family album photos taken on their honeymoon, Mom and Dad looked so happy and overjoyed that they had found each other in marriage.

1948 - 1958 Settling Down in Lower Town Ottawa, ON 

In the decade following their wedding in 1948, Mom and Dad were busily raising four children Michel, Paul, Maureen and Daniel and lived in the Lower Town section of Ottawa. Mom kept care and entertained us four youngsters at home on Guigues Street and Dad worked as a Firefighter with the Ottawa Fire Department. In this photo, here we have Mo helping Mom out in anyway she can.

1958 - New Beginnings in Cornwall, ON

In late 1958, Dad left the Ottawa Fire Department to join the Ontario Fire Marshall’s Office in the role Fire Advisor serving the communities throughout the Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. This career change involved relocating to Cornwall, Ontario and there could not have been a better city for a young family to settle in and create new roots.

1959 - First Photo of the Fab Five!

Early in 1959, the newest member of our family, Kathleen, joined us to celebrate our new adventures in the Seaway City. Throughout the years there were so many photos of visitors, friends and family taken from that very top step of the veranda. That veranda was indeed the favorite meeting place around the house!
(From left to right; Paul, Kas, Michel, Dan and Maureen).

1980 - Ontario Fire Marshall's Office Retirement Night

The Prescott Russell Mutual Aid Fire Association honored Dad’s 23-year service to the communities of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry with a farewell retirement celebration. One memory that we in the family will never forget about Dad’s work is that his office was in the basement of the house and when he returned home from his travels, one of the first things he had to do was to type out a report. Needless to say, the typewriters back then were not as quiet as the computer keyboards of today. It sounded like this…clackety clack clackety clack clackety clack for a good two hours! Haha!

Post Retirement Travels

The years following retirement from the Fire Marshall’s Office and after the kids had flown the coop, Mom and Dad embarked on trips to some of their favourite destinations around the world which included Ireland on two occasions, Portugal, France, England, Hawaii, Venezuela, Spain and Canada from coast to coast visiting family and friends.

1998 - 50th Wedding Anniversary, Ottawa, ON

How time flies…here we are fifty years later celebrating the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mom and Dad! Everyone who could be there that night was there, even old friends from years gone by! Mom and Dad were so happy and giddy that so many people made the effort to celebrate with them! What a night!

2001 - Mom & Dad's Last Photo Together, Orleans, ON

Such a wonderful photo of Mom and Dad together. No one else, just them two. Picture perfect! 

Father's Day, Cornwall, ON

Sister Kas took this photo of Dad on Father’s Day in 2015. What a dignified pose. Dad had class and decorum and he was a humble man!

2015 - McConnell Manor, Cornwall, ON

Alouette, Gentille Alouette! Dad’s harmonica was the sound of a happy household.
Play on Dad!

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